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Come mantengo caldo o freddo un bento box?

2023-07-27 22:00

To keep a bento box warm or cold, you can use different methods and accessories depending on your specific needs. Here are some tips for keeping your bento box at the desired temperature:


Keeping a Bento Box Warm:

1. Preheat the Bento Box: Before packing your hot food, you can preheat the bento box by filling it with hot water and letting it sit for a few minutes. Empty the water, and then immediately add the hot food to retain the warmth.


2. Insulated Bento Bags: Use an insulated bento bag or sleeve to wrap around the bento box. These bags are designed to keep the heat in and can help retain the warmth of your hot food.


3. Thermal Food Jars: For soups, stews, or other liquid-based dishes, consider using a thermal food jar. These jars are designed to keep food hot for an extended period and can be packed inside the bento box.


4. Heat Packs: Heat packs or hand warmers can be placed next to the bento box to provide additional warmth. Just make sure they are safe to use with food.


5. Layered Food: If possible, pack hot and cold items separately in the bento box. The heat from the warm food can help keep the cold items from losing their temperature too quickly.


Keeping a Bento Box Cold:

1. Precool the Bento Box: Before adding cold food, you can precool the bento box by placing it in the refrigerator for a short time. This helps maintain the cold temperature of the food.


2. Ice Packs: Use reusable ice packs or gel packs to keep the bento box cold. Place the ice packs next to the bento box or wrap them in an insulated bento bag.


3. Chilled Ingredients: Use pre-chilled ingredients when assembling the bento box. For example, refrigerate fruits or salads before adding them to the box.


4. Cold Packs: If you don't have ice packs, you can use frozen items like juice boxes or water bottles as temporary cold packs.


5. Insulated Bento Bags: Insulated bags not only keep food warm but also help maintain the cold temperature of cold items.


It's important to note that perishable foods should not be kept at room temperature for an extended period. If you are packing perishable items in your bento box, it's best to use ice packs or thermal containers to ensure food safety.

 sustainable lunch box

By using these methods and accessories, you can keep your bento box warm or cold, ensuring that your food stays fresh and at a safe temperature until it's time to enjoy your meal.

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